BPW - Yhdessä webinaari: Ajankohtaistietoa tasa-arvopolitiikasta ja STM:n tasa-arvoyksikön toimista
- ma 17.2.2025 klo 17:30–18:30
- Teams
Jäikö BPW Euroopan 18. konferenssiin ilmoittautumatta alehinnalla? Ei hätää, early bird hinta on voimassa vielä 15. helmikuuta saakka. Ilmoittaudu mukaan täältä.
BPW Internationalille valittiin uusi hallitus St. Kittsissä järjestetyssä kongressissa marraskuun lopulla. Uudeksi puheenjohtajaksi valittiin Diana Barragan. BPW Euroopan koordinaattorina jatkaa Anu Viks.
Kansainvälisen liiton uuden puheenjohtaja Diana Barraganin visio tulevasta kaudesta
I envision a world where women have the same opportunities as men in all aspects of life. My vision goes beyond mere equality, aspiring to true empowerment and opportunities for all. In this world, gender does not predetermine anyone's destiny; every person, regardless of their gender identity, is free to explore their passions, ambitions, and dreams without fear of discrimination or prejudice.
In this future, women are not only active participants but also leaders and key decisionmakers in the development of our society. They hold positions of power and influence in all fields, from politics and business to academia and the arts. Their perspectives, experiences, and voices are valued and respected, enriching our collective dialogue and driving positive change.
Furthermore, I conceive of a society characterised by its commitment to inclusion, diversity, and social justice. A society where differences are celebrated rather than vilified, and where individuals from diverse backgrounds are welcomed and supported. By fostering an inclusive environment, we lay the groundwork for mutual understanding, empathy, and collaboration, which are essential for building a more harmonious and united community.
At the core of this vision is the role of our organisation in advocating for the rights and empowerment of women worldwide. We are not merely supporters of change, but catalysts for action, using our resources, networks, and influence to achieve concrete progress. Through partnerships with governments, NGOs, and grassroots organisations, we expand our impact and reach, ensuring that our initiatives resonate globally.
The heart of our mission is the pursuit of peace, equity, and justice. We recognise that real progress is impossible without addressing the systemic injustices and inequalities that prevail today. We are dedicated to confronting issues such as gender-based violence, economic disparity, and political marginalisation head-on, promoting policies and programs that favour equality and human rights for all. In pursuing this vision, I see our organisation as a beacon of hope and inspiration, motivating individuals and communities to join our effort for a better world. Together, we have the power to effect transformative change, to forge a future where every woman and girl can reach her full potential and thrive. This is not just a dream, but a reality within our grasp, achievable through our collective determination and commitment. In this path, it is of the utmost importance to ensure transparency and respect for the principles as the only way to reach a good governance.
As an International President, I am committed to advancing this vision and leading our organisation with integrity, passion, and clarity of purpose. I invite everyone to embark on this journey towards a brighter and more equitable future for all.
Tervetuloa kuulemaan ajankohtaistietoa tasa-arvopolitiikasta ja STM:n tasa-arvoyksikön toimista. Vieraaksemme saapuu Vuoden nainen Terhi Heinilä, joka työskentelee sosiaali- ja terveysministeriössä,…